mlm is one of my very favourite australian labels. If you aren’t sure if you’re familiar with the labels previous collections, recall the team and slogan tees which recently emerged all over your instagram – yeezy, ritchie, jagger and moss. over the past 2 years its been hard to miss these signature pieces.
mlm’s new autumn winter collection, the 101 story is an amazing collection of easy to wear timeless investment pieces. Ive never seen so much black, white, grey and navy in one range – and i love it. Every-day chic staples paired back with much loved basics including slouchy pants, shift dresses, easy overalls, stripes and cruella dalmatian print all having a dose of attitude. The collections highlights are the usual key leather, the ejection of faux fur and the slogan tees are back !
photos are not my own | source mlm the label
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