The Pursuit Of Emptiness

I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to be able to finally write this. Rather than stressing about an overflowing inbox and a lengthy to-do list, which in all honesty has consumed most of my downtime over the past few months (year). I also had the misfortune of this site completely crashing last month. And after loosing all of my draft posts and what felt like months of work I decided it was best to just leave it for a little while before picking up where I left off.

It’ll be a year this month since I left Sydney and moved to LA. I won’t sugarcoat it. The first few months consisted of loneliness, deadlines, late nights, no social life and self-doubt, but twelve months on I’m so grateful to surrounded by the most incredible support network and know that I’m doing exactly what I should be right now. Every day is a lesson and a challenge in the best way possible.

There’s still so much to achieve but when success happens (and I stress that ‘success’ has a different definition to all of us) it’s one of the most incredible, exhilarating, rewarding things you will ever experience. And I think I know why; all those late nights, all that self-doubt, all the work no one ever sees… and all of those mistakes you promised to never make again. Without them, success just doesn’t happen.

As for the biggest lessons learnt in the past year? Oops, is better than what if and success is always going to be a work in progress. We are never done. There is no finish line. And that is exactly what should keep us going.

Photos are not my own. Source Vogue.