I’m not particularly good at setting goals. I can never get a grasp on what’s realistic and what’s not, so I usually skip the whole process altogether to avoid letting myself down. But there’s something in the air that has me filled with hope. So I’ve decided that this is the year to set some serious goals. They may or may not be relevant to what you want to achieve, but they’re the things I’ve been needing to change for a while. And hopefully they’ll provide you with a little motivation. It’s onwards and upwards from here!
No putting things off.
I have an awful habit of creating long lists of things to do and not quite getting around to everything. Like yoga, completing the My Blonde Closet e-book I began writing a few months ago or going to Byron for the first time! This is the year I’m going to make sure I tick off everything on my list.
Be less indecisive.
I am at times terribly indecisive. I torture myself with two options. And often myself unable to make a choice. So this year I’m putting a limit on the time I allow myself to make decisions. And I’m going to be confident in my choices.
Step outside my comfort zone.
I have to admit, I hate being in front of the camera. Which is also slightly annoying because I love fashion and blogging more than anything. I also know that in order to achieve everything I want to, this needs to change.
This year I’m going to step outside myself comfort zone, take note of my favourite fashion bloggers (ie. Sonya Esman above) and hopefully find a little comfort in my own skin. Which means personal style posts will be making a come-back to the blog shortly. As well as Instagram in the next few days.
Go home more often.
I’ve spent the summer break at home in Cowaramup and loved every moment: fresh milk, fresh air, slow days at the beach, afternoons spent at wineries, the Margaret River Chocolate Factory. And sand at the bottom of every bag and in every shoe.
Spoil myself.
I’m not going to go crazy or anything. But after two years of serious saving it’s time to enjoy life a little. I want to invest in a camera so I can take better photos for this website. I’m currently obsessed with the new Olympus-Pen E-PL8. And that perfect little black dress from Sir The Label I’ve had my eye on? I’ll have that too.
Make this website everything I want it to be.
I’ve spent the last three years talking about it. Now’s the year to do everything I ever said I would. Watch this space!
Photos are not my own. Source Sonya Esman x For Love And Lemons.